Digital Navigation

What is a Digital Navigator?

A digital navigator is a person at an organization who works toward digital equity and digital inclusion by bringing devices, internet access, and digital skills to people who need them. Digital navigators consistently provide holistic, individualized support through repeated interactions.

“Holistic support” means digital navigator services include all the key aspects of digital inclusion, including devices, connectivity, and digital skills. The elements are interconnected. One-on-one interactions mean community members receive individualized support to meet their personal goals however works best for them.

Who is a Digital Navigator?

Digital navigators can be staff or volunteers who work at institutions such as libraries and community-based organizations. They work with community members and are familiar with resources that help bring about digital equity.

How does it work?

The digital navigator model follows the model of Adult Basic Education. The process is learner-centered and is customized for each location and person. A navigator assesses the needs of the learner and guides them toward suitable resources. The navigator works one-on-one with each community member throughout the process. Repeated interactions build trust and provide a human connection along the entire process.

Why does it work?

The digital navigator model is a framework that can be replicated for organizations that already provide digital inclusion services. It is customizable according to each organization’s capacity. Because the relationship with the learner is one-on-one and continual, it ensures that each person’s individual needs are being met.

How can I request this service?

Click the button below to be taken to our service request form.